Below you will find an outline of the current problems BFFA is addressing within Belizean waters. Without the help, and support of all BFFA members the fishery as we know it will no longer exist. It is important to educate and collaborate in order to successfully mitigate the effects of pollution, expansion and use of the ecosystem.

United we are strong
Unite our voices and take action to be included in decision making and be consulted on issues such as over the water structures that threaten our fishing areas, livelihoods and income.
Protect fishing spots
Ensure coastal development activities such as dredging, mangrove clearing and over the water structures do not destroy seagrass, mangroves and sandy-muddy habitats where we fish for bonefish, permit, tarpon and snook live.

Ensure a sustainable fishery
Our actions and professionalism to guide clients on preparation of fishing equipment, fish fighting, good handling and release are core for long-term livelihoods.
Science and conservation
Collaborating with local and international scientists as well as resource managers are important to understand the status of our fishery and guide decisions for our economic benefit.

Other fisheries
Ensuring other fisheries such as beach traps that also depend on coastal resources are also sustainable for food security, economic benefit of fishers, our flats fishery and the wider communities. that depend on the same resources.